Tuesday, October 12, 2010


There are plenty of great Mexican restaurants in Montreal - There's Casa de Mateo, Maria Bonita, Tequila Taco, basically more than I can count on all my fingers and toes, more than you would ever want to visit if you spent a lifetime in the city. But many of these are a bit expensive for college students, and many others are take-out Mexican restaurants with questionable food sources that don't quite satisfy. On the other hand, Burritoville is the perfect in between for the bohemian who still cares about eating healthy. It's a bit of a walk from the UQAM residence, but it's still in a college setting right across from the Henry F. Hall building of Concordia University on Rue Bishop. The atmosphere of Burritoville is less of a restaurant and more of a casual student lounge. On a typical day you'll find students with their laptops, books, and papers out. The food is made with healthy, all vegetarian ingredients, and you can expect to pay less than ten dollars for a filling meal and a drink. The people that work there are also extremely friendly. So give it a try if you're in the area.

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